The concept behind the EP is the 5 stage of grief people go through often when dealing with something such as a loss in their lives. This concept was built on a musical based goodbye for Jake and Ralph, along with others featuring and partaking their own ways in all ways of being apart of the EP and project, To say goodbye and have the platform designed to do so. The idea behind this was goodbyes are never easy and its hard to know what to say in the moment, So by creating music based on the events that took placed, allowed time to reflect and write the words we wanted to say but couldn't at the time. The EP to us is very special as we only had people who had supported us along the way be apart of this. From individuals who shared their stories of grief, to those who did the behind the scenes photos and videos, right down to the mix and producing, featuring artists on the tracks. This was created in the respect of those who had suffered in their lives, those who had helped support us through our struggles coping and going through our grieving, To have a platform to speak up and be apart of a community and family who were there from day 1 of the news and who reached out and connected with a message we wanted to deliver on a global scale. We chose everyone easily by name and in respect of their losses and how they supported us along our journey of expeirencing our first year without our loved ones. David from Bellehaven as is Ralph's music teacher and supporting Ralph pursuing forward with music to honour the memory of his Dad. Who also related to Ralph with the loss of Davids Grandfather Lizi from The Beautiful Monument who engaged in countless conversations and back and forth messages about the process and hearing out the story and how she had gone through similar. Tom from Earthbound who is a dearly beloved friend to Ralph and Jake, who had suffered loss previoulsy and helped the boys day in and out with their process. Mitch from Above The Fallen, who very similar to Tom, was an amazing supportive human being throughout the last year, always checking in and catching up to show us support and love.
The Parting Gift
By Without Belief
Joshua Groch
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